ALWAYS keep gun pointed in a safe direction
ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot
ALWAYS keep gun unloaded until ready to use
ALWAYS keep gun unloaded until ready to use.
Know your target and what is beyond.
Each range has a firing line. Use it. Only the special shoots may change firing line.
DO NOT move closer to the targets. Move the targets closer to the firing line.
Keep gun unloaded, pointing up or down, action open, empty or in a gun case when approaching the firing line or benches.
Guns are to be unloaded, open or flags used and not handled when targets are being replaced.
Do not "SWEEP" people with your muzzle.
If anyone is down range do not handle your gun until everyone is behind the firing line.
Do not use your scopes to see if someone is down range.
Use Safety Range Flag when changing targets and the last shooter brings it back to the firing line so everyone is accounted. The flag should be at the firing line when everyone is back and accounted.
Always make sure that you are shooting into the back stops.
When shooting trap on the silhouette range shoot between the center and the right house and do not shoot towards the left. Problem is ricochets onto the upper pistol range.
Use the proper firearm for the range being used.
Shoot safely and have fun