Entry Fees: Entry fee is $7.00 per gun. If you do not have a current NRA Silhouette Classification book, you will be required to buy a book for the current price. There are no re-entries. Practice rounds are available for a $4.00 fee.
Starting Time: Matches start at 9:30 am.
Close: Match entries will be accepted until 2:30 pm.
Rules: Current NRA Silhouette Rules will apply.
Match Course: Each match will consist of 40 rounds fired. Shot from the Standing position. 10 chickens at 40 meters, 10 pigs at 50 meters, 10 turkeys at 75 meters, 10 rams at 100 meters. Match will end when the last shooter of the day completes the course. AH ties will be broken with total score, ram count, turkey count, pig count, and chicken count working backward.
Range Rules: Eye & Ear Protection is REQUIRED!!!! Loading & Unloading of Firearms at the Firing Line Only!!!! No Handling of Firearms Behind the Firing Line!!!! Firing Line will be clear of shooters when Target Setters are on the Range!!!! Irwin Sportsmen's Association reserves the right to disqualify any load causing target damage!!!!
Awards: Prizes will be awarded to the match winner and Ist place in each class. 2nd place will be awarded if there are six or more shooters in the same class. 3rd place will be awarded if there are twelve or more shooters in the same class.
Classification: NRA Silhouette Classification will be used. Unclassified shooters will complete in the high class the first time they shoot.
General Information: There will be food available; proceeds go to Post #228 Jr. Rifle League. There are restrooms indoors. There is a covered area to place your equipment, and if the weather is bad you can place your equipment indoors.
For Information contact Match Director: