Richard Lawson Recognition
His name is Richard Lawson, married, and now retired a few years after working 38 years at the Elliott Co. in Jeannette. In 1983, he came to Irwin Sportsmen Association in search of a place for his shooters of Post #228. That was the beginning of The Jr. Rifle Team partnership with the ISA sponsoring the young shooters.
“Dick,” as he is called by his colleagues, recalled the beginnings back in 1956 when Jeannette Emergency Service requested he help to build a Rifle Range. That Range put together with help from the Rubber Works in Jeannette. They were able to give steel Plates, which became the backstops. Some Railroad Drafting Engineers helped to get some cast off railroad ties and Knights of Columbus pitched in with some framing lumber, along with the West End Builders giving the sand necessary to complete the project. Since a Range Safety Instructor was needed, Dick went to classes and was able to fill the position; He then was the Chief Range Safety Officer, in charge of training adults and youth from the Explorer Scouts. They had four rifles that the NRA had lent them. With the passing of time and nothing lasts forever, Dick found the Shooters now looking for a new place to shoot, since many changes left the group without a range,
That is when they could be sponsored by ISA in 1983. David Gribich joined Dick in the effort to build the current ISA indoor range that the Jr. Rifle Team now users 2 nights a week, year round. In 1986, Bob Cain joined the group and together they have built a Team that now own their own guns, since 1990, when they purchased 12 guns from the Civilian Marksman Program.
Over the years, they have instructed over 500 shooters ages ranging from 9 to 20 year old. The guys as well as the girls now go to competitions and bring home top awards. Since 2003, the Team has gone to Camp Perry. Jonathan Casey, one of the youth was able to attend the Citadel then on to the ROTC. Eric Cain now hoots for the Navy. Not to be outdone are a few of the gals: Sarah Frye, Nikki Kroll, and Sara Loughner. College Scholarships are not out of the question.
The Post #228 Team has 5 certified coaches that are NRA sanctioned. They have attended the NRA coaching school. Many parents are also involved with the team as well as holding memberships in the ISA. Dave Brentzel, parent, also holds a council position with the ISA.
It is with gratitude the ISA Officers and membership recognizes Richard Lawson for his development, dedication, and coaching of the youth in the sport of shooting long rifle.