The combination is available upon the receit of membership payment. The combination should be kept with your membership card to ensure that you will have your membership card when using the club facilities.
You as a member are allowed to ask to see another occupant of the range for their membership card. You MUST show your card if you are asked.
When using the club, leave the gate open and lock the lock onto the chain. When you leave, lock the gate OR tell the last guy out to lock the gate. If not, tresspasser may come into the club. Please remember to always to bring your card.
Any member shooting at random or creating unsafe acts at the ranges will have their membership revoked. Any member who witnesses unsafe acts should contact one of the officers. If you don't know the person, try to get a license plate number. Members are reminded that there is NO SHOOTING permittted before Noon on Sundays. Positive backstops have been installed on the rifle ranges. Please use them; do not use cans or bottles on any of the ranges. NO HIGH POWERED RIFLES SHOULD BE SHOOTING TARGETS ON THE SILHOUETTE RANGE. There will be NO EXCUSE for violating range safety.
It's your responsibility---150 yards with firearms----50 yards with archery.
For this year's schedule, please see the bulletin board in the front room of the club or contact Bob Cain @ 724-834-8926
IMPORTANT !!!!! Please contact any officer or the editor of any address change. Many of our members are from the Hemp. Twp. area, which has changed most everyone's address. We need your address changes ASAP.
When done shooting, please take down targets. When using range to site in shot guns, please do not use the back stops. They get damaged and have to be replaced too often
As a result of the recent survey, there will be a map hanging in the front room of the club house for members to consult to verify the boundaries of the club. Please use this when visiting the club.